I have always wanted to do this, especially after realizing the galaxy isn’t too small observed from the Earth, seeing it rise/move across the sky in timelapse videos I’ve filmed over the years. The only challenge was tracking its movement across the sky (or rather I should say compensate Earth’s rotational motion) in long exposures. Now that I have a tracker, had to take the obligatory first formal photograph of Andromeda along with M32 and M110 for my astrophotography collection.
The technical details:
29 tracked images (culled from 50), 30 seconds at f/6.7 ISO 4000 in about 40 minutes total shooting time
Sony Alpha 7 R3 w/ Tamron 150-500mm
Sky-Watcher Sky Adventurer 2i
30 sec at f/6.7, ISO 4000 (Stacked 29 exposures)