It’s really beautiful here in the Pacific Northwest when it is not raining.
Shot on Kentmere Pan 100 film.
It’s really beautiful here in the Pacific Northwest when it is not raining.
Shot on Kentmere Pan 100 film.
Graffiti is not always art, it can be the result of vandalism.
Shot on Kodak Portra 160.
Shot on Fujica GM670
1/15 sec at f/8
1/8 sec at f/8
1/8 sec at f/8
1/2 sec at f/8
1/60 sec at f/8
1/60 sec at f/8
1/80 sec at f/8
1/60 sec at f/8
1/60 sec at f/8
1/60 sec at f/8
I cannot articulate in words the feeling that brewed inside me as I was setting up this shot. First, there was no sun until the last few seconds when it peeked through the clouds and lit up the trees in the background. Then it was a difficult composition with the “Wide” lens.
It appeared to me as if the trees were mourning the death of the fallen one.
Fujica GS645W | Ektar 100
Shooting with film at night has never been this much fun.
Seattle and Port Townsend
10 sec at f/5.6, CineStill 400D
10 sec at f/5.6, CineStill 400D
30 sec at f/16, CineStill 400D
10 sec at f/5.6, CineStill 400D
Nikon FM2 | Lomography Color Negative ISO 400
1/500 sec at f/8
1/125 sec at f/2.8
1/250 sec at f/8
1/250 sec at f/8
1/250 sec at f/8
1/125 sec at f/8
1/125 sec at f/8
1/125 sec at f/8
1/250 sec at f/8
1/250 sec at f/8
1/250 sec at f/8
1/60 sec at f/8
1/125 sec at f/8
1/125 sec at f/8
1/250 sec at f/8
1/125 sec at f/4
1/60 sec at f/4
1/125 sec at f/4
1/125 sec at f/8
1/250 sec at f/8
1/500 sec at f/8
1/500 sec at f/8
1/500 sec at f/8
1/500 sec at f/8
1/250 sec at f/8
1/250 sec at f/8
1/125 sec at f/8
1/250 sec at f/8
1/500 sec at f/8
1/125 sec at f/4
1/500 sec at f/8
1/500 sec at f/8
1/250 sec at f/4
1/125 sec at f/4
1/250 sec at f/1.8
1/1000 sec at f/1.8
I have been shooting 120 film for a while but did not have a 135 film camera until now. Well, I started photography with a K1000 but that was long time ago - a period I would like to erase if I can.
To fill the 135 format gap I bought a Canon AE-1 Program and shot two rolls (few photographs here) with it. It’s a really nice camera that featured a “point and shoot” mode as well. Then I found a Nikon FM2N in excellent condition - I had to get it. Paired with a 50mm f/1.8 AIS pancake lens and a roll of Kodak Portra 400, drove to Washington Park in Anacortes to test it out.
I waited very patiently for them to take to their wings, as I stared through the viewfinder of my (new) Nikon FM2. The wait was probably a minute but it felt longer.
They finally flew off…
CineStill 800T | Kowa Six
I took these photographs on the same day as my previous blog post with images taken with the Hasselblad X2D but took a while to send the roll to the lab. Got the negatives back today and scanned with V600.
Very happy with the deep contrast - this was the first time I used Kentmere 400 film stock.
Shot with Fuji GS645W
Yoshino cherry trees (December, 2022)
Kowa Six | Ilford HP5
Shot on Kodak Ektar 100 with Kowa Six
Shot on Fujifilm 400H Professional